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    Thursday 19 April 2018

    Reduce jpg size to desired KB or % or optimize. Its an image converter too

    - From Nougat (Android 7.0) absolute file path cannot be shared and therefore some images shared from other app cannot be loaded to this app. This will be the common issue for every app on Nougat+. In this case image must be shared from some other app or load from inbuilt image pickers. Image Size Reducer

    A JPEG/JPG size reducer, optimizer and image converter with lots of formats support. Reduces JPEG image size without changing resolution. Please read warnings & important points before using app. Save space by reducing image file sizes. It can also be called photo compressor, photo size reducer, photo space saver etc. Image Size Reducer

    Reduce jpg size to desired KB or % or optimize. Its an image converter too.

    A JPEG/JPG size reducer, optimiser and image converter with lots of formats support. Reduces JPEG image size without changing resolution. Please read warnings & important points before using app. Save space by reducing image file sizes. It can also be called photo compressor, photo size reducer, photo space saver etc. Image Size Reducer
    Some use cases -

    • - You clicked a selfie and now want to share it with friends but want to reduce size of image to your desired KBs. Example reduce JPG of 1MB to 200KB.
    • - Want to reduce image to desired percent size of original. Example reduce 1MB JPG to 20% of its size.
    • - You don't know much technical details just want to reduce size? Use this app to reduce size without messing with image resolution.
    • - You captured screenshot but its size is high. Share that screenshot and select this app to build jpg with further size reduction.
    • - Reduce sizes of many images in bulk or batch.
    • - Select images which are of less priority and reduce their sizes. If satisfied delete original files and keep converted ones.
    • - Optimise JPG. Reduce some size without loosing any quality. Smaller size reduction.
    • - Convert images to most common formats. Convert images even in bulk or batch.


    • - I have intentionally not implemented delete original images in bulk or replace by new images. My purpose is to build small size versions & converted files only. Please delete original files yourself. Many times there are complaint of data loss and i don't want to be part of it. Set your custom output directory and convert, compress images to that location. Better is to keep default path.
    • - To pick images use a gallery app like QuickPic. Because some gallery apps do not return absolute image path. Always use a gallery app from which returned image is successfully loaded.
    • - Always reduce up to 20% or above otherwise quality loss is clearly noticeable.
    • - By default images are not added into gallery to prevent multiple copies which creates confusion when you see them in gallery!. They are saved in /app_data/ImageSizeReducer folder. You must use a FileManager & find all files here.
    • - Change output directory to your custom location then new images can be added into gallery!.
    • - From Marshmallow external storage needs runtime permission. If permission not grated app will not work.
    • - Do not keep input folder = Output folder. Doing this overwrites original images. NEVER DO IT!. Better is to keep default output folder i.e. app_data/ImageSizeReducer
    • - Keep the app running until images are processed. If home button is pressed get back to app using recent apps list. Pressing icon from launcher will start new copy of app not old. This is done to do multiple tasks. Image Size Reducer

    App as Image Converter Image Size Reducer

    • - Converts lots of image formats to jpg, webp, tiff, bmp, gif, png. It is powered by ImageMagick ( ImageMagick is product and copyright of ImageMagick Studio LLC ).
    • - Many of these formats are supported: aai, art, arw, avs, bmp, cmyk, cmyka, crw, cur, dcm, dcr, dcx, dcx, dds, dib, djvu, dng, dpx, fax, fits, gif, gray, hdr, ico, info, inline, jng, jp2, jpg, jpt, j2c, j2k, jpeg, jxr, mat, miff, mono, mng, mrw, mtv, nef, orf, otb, p7, pam, palm, pbm, pcds, pcx, pdb, pef, pfm, pgm, picon, pict, pix, png, pnm, ppm, psd, ptif, pwp, raf, rgb, rgba, rfg, rla, rle, sct, sfw, sgi, sun, tga, tiff, tim, uil, uyvy, vicar, viff, webp, wpg, xcf, YCbCr, YCbCrA, yuv
    • Not all formats are tested. Especially encoding can fail in some formats.
    • Reduce jpg size to desired KB or % or optimize. Its an image converter too.

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